Scaling Higher education Innovation using the Entrepreneurial mindset




Welcome to the SHINE Project (Scaling Higher Education Innovation using the Entrepreneurial Mindset.) SHINE is a research collaboration involving 40 partners in 28 countries covering Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia and the UK.

An image is shown of each of the current 40 partners.  Click on any image to connect with the partner on LinkedIn. SHINE welcomes partner applications from Higher Education professionals (academics, researchers, professional services staff and senior leaders). Simply click on the [APPLY] button at the top of this page. The partners represent 28 countries:

  • 13 European Union countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain)
  • 4 African countries (Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria & Tunisia)
  • 4 Southeastern Europe countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia)
  • 4 United Kingdom countries (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales)
  • 1 Middle East country (Türkiye)
  • 1 South American country (Ecuador)
  • 1 Southeast Asia country (Malaysia)

Paul Coyle
Alison Price
Bob Bastian
Enikő Koppány
Isobel Cunningham
Marco Lamas
Milica Jovanović
Roberto Brambilla
Sarah Roberts
Stefan Chichevaliev
Viviana Premazzi
Yancy Vaillant
Admir Salihagić
Dr AJ Ghazali
Anna Górecka
Babatunde Agbi
Carine Chisu
Chris Peters
Christian Friedl
Ellen Burgdorf-Schröder
Gerson Sopó Montero
Hanna Willis
Kelly Johnston
Lamia El Ayouby
Lorena (Alikaj) Serjanaj
Louise Kerr
Mokuba Mave
Mustapha Lakehal
Neil Bowie
Nigel Adams
Pauline Bremner
Rabii Outhama
Rasha Elsawy
Robert Crammond
Simon Harrison
Stefan GG
Tamara Čolić Milosavljević
Teuta Hazizi
Veronica Maier

The SHINE Project aligns with the aims of the Entrepreneurship Education Collaboration and Engagement (EECOLE) Network which feeds into the work of the OECD Committee for SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and other relevant OECD bodies.

EECOLE aims to help identify the skills bundle characterising the entrepreneurial mindset, as well as good practices and approaches to promote its development. It aims to enhance the connections between HEIs, businesses and other partners in their own communities to foster entrepreneurial and resilient ecosystems.  The SHINE Project commits to support EECOLE by sharing insights and know-how for scaling up entrepreneurship and innovation in Higher Education.

The SHINE Project partners Paul Coyle and Yancy Vaillant are expert members of the OECD EECOLE Network.



The SHINE Project is investigating 2 major research questions.

1 How can Higher Education scale up existing entrepreneurial and innovation capacity for the benefit of greater numbers of students and societal stakeholders?

2 How can Higher Education apply key concepts from entrepreneurship (i.e. entrepreneurial mindset, start-up and scale-up) to overcome the typical barriers to change management?

SHINE Project Aims

  1. To provide regular opportunities for a diverse range of people to share their stories, experiences and lessons learned.
  2. To stimulate discussions that are open, honest and realistic about what works and what doesn’t.
  3. To capture lessons learned and topics for further investigation.
  4. To ensure that discussions lead to recommendations about practical actions (for students, educators, researchers, leaders and policy makers.)
  5. To take an entrepreneurial approach to overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship education.
  6. To disseminate insights, findings and practical know-how for the benefit of Higher Education professionals worldwide.
  7. To use a wide range of dissemination methods (the SHINE Project website, conference presentations, research papers, videos etc.)

Definition of the entrepreneurial mindset

The Project uses the definition of the entrepreneurial mindset devised by the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network.  The definition is distinctive because it is based on entrepreneurial behaviours. As an aid to memory, 1 essential entrepreneurial behaviour is allocated to each of the 7 letters in the word MINDSET.  The definition is relevant not just to entrepreneurs, but employees in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

Entrepreneurial mindset defintion

The definition of the entrepreneurial mindset is available for [DOWNLOAD] in the following 16 languages:

[عربي]  [中国人]  [Deutschen]  [ελληνικά]  [English]  [Español]  [français]  [italiano]  [Nederlands]  [Português]  [ਪੰਜਾਬੀ]  [română]  [Русский]  [Српски]  [shqip]  [Türkçe]

Research Outputs

To date the SHINE Project has published 16 webinars, 24 case studies, and 7 online self-assessment tools, all of which are available on this website.  

In addition, a chapter about the SHINE Project appears in the book 'Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation: Cases, Collaborations and Contexts (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies).' The editor of the book is Robert Crammond and the author of the chapter is Paul Coyle, both SHINE Project partners. The book is available to purchase from Routledge.

A proposal for a Professional Development Workshop (PDW), using the Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA) for higher education academics, was peer reviewed and selected for the 3E2024 conference in May 2024. The facilitators of the PDW were Marco Lamas and Paul Coyle, both SHINE Project partners. The workshop attracted 19 participants from 8 countries: Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom.  It is possible to download the detailed description of the PDW.



The method chosen to gather information for analysis is a series of online webinars. To date 16 have taken place with registrations from people in 52 countries

The premise of the EXCHANGE webinars is that every participant has the potential to make a valid contribution and the aim is to capture as much of this professional expertise as possible. The diversity of the participants is another important consideration. Examples of the participants who contributed to the SHINE Project webinars include: academics from a diverse range of academic disciplines, PhD researchers, professional support staff (eg enterprise projects coordinator, head of business engagement, head of the international office), entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, managers of SMEs, and incubator managers.

What makes the SHINE Project distinctive is that rather than simply uploading a full video recording after a webinar, a written summary is created, recording the key points made by the speakers and participants, and including links to short video clips of the speakers.  Images of the webinars to date are shown below. Click on any image to read the summary online.  There is also the option to download a PDF of each summary.

Entrepreneurial mindset fundamentals

Entrepreneurial mindset fundamentals

EXCHANGE 1 Speakers

Roberto Brambilla 🇮🇹 Neil Bowie 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Zohra Omar 🇵🇰

Entrepreneurial mindset

and the future of work

Entrepreneurial mindset and the future of work

EXCHANGE 4 Speakers

Danie Jacobs 🇿🇦 Sherisa Rajah Baird 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Stacey J Young 🇨🇦

Entrepreneurial employees

Entrepreneurial employees

EXCHANGE 2 Speakers

Chris Friedl 🇦🇹 Susan Foley🇺🇸 Mart Kikas 🇪🇪

Businesses and universities:

creating shared value

Businesses and universities: creating shared value

EXCHANGE 5 Speakers

Jo Cresswell 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Jan Frick 🇳🇴 Jay Wasim 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Student entrepreneurs

Student entrepreneurs

EXCHANGE 3 Speakers

Hala Barakat 🇪🇬 Bob Bastian 🇮🇹 Cyron Chan🇭🇰

Entrepreneurial universities:

fact or fiction?

Entrepreneurial universities - fact or fiction?

EXCHANGE 6 Speakers

Alison Price 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Adina Fodor 🇷🇴 Qosim Mukhtorov 🇹🇯


in Higher Education

Intrapreneurship in Higher Education

EXCHANGE 7 Speakers

Chris Friedl🇦🇹 Mart Kikas🇪🇪

Entrepreneurial mindset

for all academic disciplines

Entrepreneurial mindset for all academic disciplines

EXCHANGE 8 Speakers

Enikő Koppány 🇭🇺 Milica Jovanović 🇷🇸 Viviana Premazzi 🇮🇹

Who benefits from academic research

into entrepreneurship? Part 2

Who benefits from research? Part two

EXCHANGE 9 Speakers

Bob Bastian 🇮🇹 Stefan Chichevaliev 🇲🇰 Yancy Vaillant 🇪🇸

How Higher Education

supports start ups

How Higher Education supports startups

EXCHANGE 10 Speakers

Bob Bastian 🇮🇹 Enikő Koppány 🇭🇺 Yancy Vaillant 🇪🇸

Educating students

about entrepreneurship

Educating students about entrepreneurship

EXCHANGE 11 Speakers

Marco Lamas 🇵🇹 Milica Jovanović 🇷🇸 Robert Crammond 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


that create value in society

Partnerships that create value in society

EXCHANGE 12 Speakers

Roberto Brambilla🇮🇹 Stefan Chichevaliev 🇲🇰 Viviana Premazzi 🇮🇹

Building entrepreneurial culture

in Higher Education

Building entrepreneurial culture in Higher Education

EXCHANGE 13 Speakers

Isobel Cunningham 🇮🇪 Paul Coyle 🇫🇷 Robert Crammond 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Helping students

to understand the real world

Helping students entrepreneurs to understand the real world

EXCHANGE 14 Speakers

Enikő Koppány🇭🇺 Rabii Outamha🇲🇦 Admir Salihagić 🇧🇦

Can graduate entrepreneurship

be an answer to youth unemployment?

Can graduate entrepreneurship be an answer to youth unemployment?

EXCHANGE 15 Speakers Carine Chisu 🇧🇪  

Mokuba Mave🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Viviana Premazzi 🇲🇹 Yancy Vaillant 🇪🇸

The benefits of the entrepreneurial mindset for every PhD student

The benefits of the entrepreneurial mindset for every PhD student

EXCHANGE 16 Speakers 

Bob Bastian 🇮🇹 Paul Coyle🇫🇷Robert Crammond 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿



The SHINE Project partners and members of the OECD EECOLE Network have contributed 24 articles to EXPRESS the online eZINE of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network. Click on any image to access the article.

SHINE Partners


Engaging students in clinical

innovation and enterprise

Engaging students in clinical innovation and enterprise

Nigel Adams

University of Buckingham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

How the entrepreneurial mindset
empowers silver entrepreneurs

How the entrepreneurial mindset empowers silver entrepreneurs

Paul Coyle

Entrepreneurial Mindset Network 🇫🇷

Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA)
in higher education

Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA) in higher education

Marco Lamas and Paul Coyle

SHINE Project

Developing competences for
tourism entrepreneurship in Albania

Developing competences for  tourism entrepreneurship in Albania

Teuta Hazizi

Lecturer 🇦🇱

How entrepreneurial education

helps student entrepreneurs

How entrepreneurial education helps student entrepreneurs

Veronica Maier

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca 🇷🇴

Supporting entrepreneurial journeys

in the city of Casablanca, Morocco

Supporting entrepreneurial journeys in the city of Casablance, Morocco

Rabii Outamha

Digital Strategy and Marketing Consultant 🇲🇦

Coping with uncertainty

in entrepreneurship

Coping with uncertainty in entrepreneurship

Bob Bastian

University of Pavia 🇮🇹

Role of universities in

emerging entrepreneurial ecosystems

Role of universities in emerging entrepreneurial ecosystems

Admir Salihagić

International Burch University 🇧🇦

Lessons for social entrepreneurship


Lessons for social entrepreneurship

Stefan Chichevaliev

Social Entrepreneurship Observatory 🇲🇰

Towards the entrepreneurial society


Towards the entrepreneurial society

Yancy Vaillant

TBS Education 🇪🇸

Entrepreneurship development:

what is missing?

Entrepreneurship and development - what is missing?

Gerson Sopó Montero

Universitidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil 🇪🇨

Social entrepreneurship:

 developing an ecosystem

Social entrepreneurship - developing an ecosystem

Stefan Chichevaliev

Social Entrepreneurship Observatory 🇲🇰

The entrepreneurial university:

 processes and principles

The entrepreneurial university - processes and principles

Robert Crammond

University of the West of Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Who benefits from academic research

into entrepreneurship? Part 1

Who benefits from academic research into entrepreneurship? Part 1

Paul Coyle

Entrepreneurial Mindset Network 🇫🇷

A culture of innovation

 in healthcare

A culture of innovation in healthcare

Paul Coyle

Entrepreneurial Mindset Network 🇫🇷



Building an ecosystem to help
entrepreneurs start up and scale up

Building an ecosystem to help  entrepreneurs start up and scale up

Richard Chenier

Chief Executive Officer🇨🇦

Accidental versus intentional entrepreneurship

Accidental versus intentional entrepreneurship

Edna Primrose

Differenza 🇺🇸

A European alliance for dual education EU4Dual

A European alliance for dual education EU4Dual

Marko Turk

PAR University of Applied Sciences 🇭🇷

Breaking the glass ceiling: women entrepreneurs make it happen

Breaking the glass ceiling: women entrepreneurs make it happen

Fiorina Mugione

GDSI Limited🇨🇭

Civic universities and needs of local communities

Civic universities and needs of local communities

Adam Leach

Sheffield Hallam University 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Helping SMEs to close the skills gap

Helping SMEs to close the skills gap

Frank Melis 🇳🇱

How startups find opportunities, people and resources

How startups find opportunities, people and resources

Allan Villegas-Mateos 

HEC Paris 🇶🇦

Innovation and inclusive digital economies in South East Asia

Innovation and inclusive digital economies in South East Asia

Giulia Ajmone Marsan

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN 🇮🇩

Responding to the Needs of Cities and Regions

Responding to the Needs of Cities and Regions

Raffaele Trapasso




The SHINE Project provides a range of resources that support self reflection and professional development. Support students and PhD researchers with our webinars and workshops. Use our online Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA) tools, which are designed to stimulate self-reflection and support action planning.

Webinars and workshops - click on any image for further details

The entrepreneurial mindset

webinar for students of every academic discipline

Webinar - the entrepreneurial mindset for students of every academic discipline

How every student can make their unique contribution to the world

The entrepreneurial mindset

an interactive workshop for PhD researchers

Workshop - entrepreneurial mindset for PhD researchers

◾️Mindset ◾️ Research ◾️ Impact ◾️ Commercialisation ◾️ Career planning◾️

Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA)

MBAs are online tools that are designed to introduce the concept of the entrepreneurial mindset and its application in higher education. Each MBA stimulates a process of self-reflection, supports action planning and aids decision-making about future priorities.  An MBA can be undertaken in a few minutes and once completed you will receive an email with all the information that you have entered.  Click on any image to access that MBA.

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA Higher Education Students

For Higher Education Students

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA PhD Students

For PhD Students

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA Student Startups

For Student Startups

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA Higher Education Academics

For Higher Education Academics

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA PhD Supervisors

For PhD Supervisors

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA Building entrepreneurial culture in higher education

Building entrepreneurial culture in HE

Mindset Behaviour Analysis

MBA Higher Education Leaders

For Higher Education Leaders

This website is published by the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network © 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Contact details...


Zoom: book a Zoom meeting

Address: Entrepreneurial Mindset Network, 7 allées de Chartres, 33000 Bordeaux, France.

Entrepreneurial mindset network
Entrepreneurial mindset business
Entrepreneurial mindset education
E-STAR Academy
Entrepreneurial mindset exchange
Entrepreneurial mindset express
Entrepreneurial mindset healthcare
Entrepreneurial mindset social entrepreneurship